From the Other Side

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Performance, Sophiensale Berlin, Germany 2010  
Collaboration with Christina Ciupke 
Funded by the Berlin Senate Cultural Affairs Department and Fonds Darstellende Künste 

Images haunt us and language binds us. If someone says zebra, or a dragon breathing, or the Berlin wall, something very peculiar happens. Somewhere inside our heads, the word can trigger a mental picture of all these things. No-one knows exactly where or how that image is produced or perceived in our imagination. The sensation of images – both real and imagined - shapes our navigation of the world, creating a history which marks us.

from the other side creates a space of conversation between a solo performer, text, and still/moving images. Stories appear and disappear in a playful game of suspense and surprise.


Foundling Museum Residency


In This Cold’s Tending Time